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When students miss class, grades and academic performance suffer. However a hive is never tru. To add comments to this Alert follow the instructions below Log into the Hive look for the yellow log in button from csbsju Once in The Hive navigate to Students-Tracking Items (from top left hand menu) Next search for the student referenced above. "Referrals" are used to direct students to a particular service on campus. thehun.netr To add comments or clear this Alert follow the instructions below Log into The Hive - go to csbsju. • Track attendance and raise alerts when students have ongoing absences. The The Hive - The Basics will offer the knowledge and training needed to achieve the expectations for using the HIVE: • Documenting interactions and communications. Joseph, Minnesota 56374. monroe louisiana craigslist By default Notes do not send any communications out, rather they simply create a note in the students electronic file that can be viewed when/if someone with permissions to view that note type opens the students file for review. We have developed a scaffolded approach to training in the Hive, Level I- The Basics will offer the knowledge and training needed to. Help! I can't schedule an appointment. Adam Bauer Classroom & A/V Support Manager 320-363-2118 abauer@csbsju Saint John's University. Joshua Akkerman Instructional Technology Specialist 320-363-3213 [email protected] Ethan Wittrock Instructional Technology Specialist 320-363-2035 The Hive Hybrid Learning LinkedIn Learning Microsoft 365 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Teams Polling and Voting Student Folios (ePortfolios). Now you can add your comments to the Attendance Concern by support. crunch labs The HIVE is part of the Academic Center for Excellence and Success (ACES) at CSB/SJU. ….

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