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The Meta Liberation ?

僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Tags ?

But then her brother's old tormenter shows up making goo-goo eyes at him and she knows her brother is still obsessed with the man, so he'll absolutely let him stick around. Among them is Izuku Shigaraki-Midoriya, Hisashi's son. While now a member of the Midoriya family, she only trusted Izuku enough to stay with him. Nov 5, 2017 · Forest Aokigahara. However, they are not together IzuOcha featuring Eri and Mirio Togata. the family chantel instagram It's a canonical tag. + - Due to teaching classes for most of the day, Aizawa wasn't able to keep an eye on Eri each and every day. Eri has a crush on the Viridian Hero: Deku. Throughout his life, he's been kicked down, pushed around, and tormented for a whole decade all for his dream of becoming a hero. + - Due to teaching classes for most of the day, Aizawa wasn't able to keep an eye on Eri each and every day. amyre makupson The faculty at the school knew this and allowed DEKU gets along with children the most to look after her. 2021 - Explora el tablero de Noras "Deku x Eri" en Pinterest. Drawn on pencil and ink, traced in Illustrator and colored in Photoshop by me. Izuku doesn't know what to expect when Eri-chan shows up at his home the day after her birthday. 在《我的英雄学院》第 420 章中,当 Eri 冒险使用她的倒带特性并帮助 Deku 时,情节发生了有趣的发展。 由于不被允许参加战斗,Eri 向 Ectoplasm 寻求帮助,折断了她的角并将其交给 Aizawa,然后 Aizawa 用它治愈了 Deku。 据众多粉丝和 Aizawa 称,Eri 冲动地决定切断她的力量来源可能会导致她永远失去她的个性。 虽然不确定她是否会在没有角的情况下保持她的能力,但有一点是清楚的:她准备牺牲自己的力量,以便继续与 Deku 和她的 UA 高中家庭的其他成员过上幸福的生活。 我的英雄学院:艾莉放弃超能力的潜在好处. how old is unspeakable Like, a massive crush. ….

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